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creative ABSTRACT PAINTER&photographer  

I'm a freelance photographer and Painter graduated from Ocad university .My 

passion is to create art pieces which are focused on the effect of colours on the viewers and their inner feelings . In the journey of creating art  each brush strokes and colours come from our inner side and make their own role and have their voice to influence the viewers in the different ways and for me that's the beauty of Art .

In this Portfolio I have three series of my paints ,Abstract series which mostly are done in Impasto technique on big sizes of panel or canvas , Zen series which are most focused to have smooth, minimal and  freestyle composition in order to make viewer feel at piece ,and feminine series which are focused on unfinished look composition  . 


Group painting exb/Ocad gallery hall(Richmond)/2019

Group painting exb/Ocad gallery hall/2015

Solo photo exb/Niel gallery/2012


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